Corporate Puberty:
Understanding Your Troubled Teen

Is your organization undergoing Corporate Puberty? Corporate Puberty is when companies start to mature and integrate their systems and processes. This can be a scary time for a lot of companies. They know they need to change but the scope can be daunting. Employees accustomed to manual processes worry that automation will eliminate their jobs and may be resistant. High hiring rates and employee on-boarding might actually slow productivity down for a time.

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Methodologies: Why you really need one

How do you bring Saskatchewan’s oldest university into the 20th century? That was the question facing the Mark Roman less than a year ago. Today I attended a talk by Roman, who is the VP of Information Technology at the local university. When he started his job there, he had a huge task ahead: amalgamating the various IT services across campus to leverage economies of scope and scale. He quickly realised that if he was to bring any kind of order to this task, he required a methodology…or two.

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