Introducing LovePS Project Management Training
LovePS is thrilled to introduce our Project Management Online Training Program. We are offering a variety of project management training courses, ranging from Lunch and Learns to a full 35-hour certification course that meets the requirements for eligibility to write the Project Management Professional (PMP®) exam.
Our first online offering of the PMP course will run 1 May to 29 June and we are offering a one-time only cost-recovery rate:
$250 for 35-hour certification course
$200 for training without certification
With a regular price of $750, this course includes:
- full access to the online training course for 60 days
- weekly conference calls to review key concepts and practical applications
Why so low? This is our first time running the course and we want feedback from some friendly students. To take advantage of these one-time rates, sign up here.
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Written by Stacey in Project Management